
Under both California and federal law, employees are protected from unlawful retaliation in the workplace. Retaliation occurs when an employer takes adverse action against an employee because the employee engaged in a legally protected activity, such as reporting workplace discrimination, harassment, or other violations of the law. Adverse actions can include termination, demotion, pay cuts, or other forms of punishment. California’s Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA) and federal laws like Title VII of the Civil Rights Act make it illegal for employers to retaliate against employees for asserting their rights.

To prove unlawful retaliation, an employee must show that their participation in a protected activity, such as filing a complaint with human resources (“HR”), reporting safety violations, or cooperating with a workplace investigation, was a motivating factor in the employer’s decision to take adverse action. If the employee can convince a judge or jury that retaliation was a substantial factor in the employer’s decision, the employer may face significant financial liability, including damages for lost wages, emotional distress, and possibly even punitive damages.

The most common form of compensation in retaliation lawsuits is economic damages, which compensate the employee for wages lost as a result of the adverse action. For example, if an employee making $60,000 per year is fired after reporting unsafe working conditions and remains unemployed for 8 months, the core damages might total $40,000 for lost income. However, if the employee secures a new job after 3 months, the lost wages would likely be reduced to $15,000.

Beyond economic damages, employees who succeed in retaliation lawsuits can recover additional compensation for emotional distress. Retaliation often causes significant stress, anxiety, or humiliation for the employee, and these non-economic damages can compensate them for such stressors. Punitive damages may also be available in cases where the employer’s conduct was particularly malicious or reckless, and such damages are designed to punish the employer and deter similar conduct in the future.

California’s retaliation laws also provide for substantial penalties and allow employees who prevail to recover attorney’s fees. The prospect of paying the employee’s legal costs can be a strong incentive for employers to settle these cases, as attorney’s fees can often amount to more than the actual damages awarded.

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Retaliation claims are often complex, involving multiple layers of legal analysis, particularly under California’s FEHA and federal statutes. The key legal questions often revolve around proving the employer’s intent and establishing a causal connection between the protected activity and the adverse action. However, these cases can be won with strong evidence, such as a clear timeline of events, witness testimony, and internal company documents.

If you are considering filing a retaliation claim or have been accused of retaliation, we are here to help. Our law firm has experience on both sides of employment disputes and understands the strategies and tactics needed to achieve favorable outcomes. Whether you are seeking justice for unlawful retaliation or defending your company from such a claim, we are ready to stand by your side and fight for your interests.

At our firm, we pride ourselves on our ability to solve complex legal problems and achieve outstanding results for our clients. With years of experience handling employment law disputes, including retaliation claims, we have earned a reputation as one of California’s top litigation firms. Let us put that experience to work for you.

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Contact Us

If you have a problem related to employment or consumer law, our attorneys have a wealth of training and experience. Put it to use for you!

Navigating the nuances of California law regarding the employer-employee relationship can be difficult for lawyers and overwhelming for non-lawyers. We hire great attorneys and train them to be superb attorneys.

When you retain ILG Legal, you can rest assured that our attorneys will analyze your options, research the implications of each option, describe all reasonable approaches to you along with the corresponding risks, and let you decide which option best fits your needs and risk profile. Our attorneys will take a holistic look at your options and ensure you understand them before making the ultimate decision.

  (415) 580-2574
  [email protected]